Sunday, April 27, 2008
Kibo's Testimony
Yes, way before I didn't know about God and Jesus. I thought this ground we live on came from nowhere. Our ancestors told us we came from pigs. When I was a child this is what I believed. Later Tim and Greg came and I learned this talk wasn't true. Now I know all the things that God created - the ground, water, men and women - came from Him. He spoke them into existence. Yes, before I was a man-of-death. I sinned a lot, I was a thief and stole a lot. This road was leading to death, but God got me back. Now I'm not a man of death, I have life in Jesus Christ. Now I am free, I believe that Christ's death paid for my sin. I give big thanks to God, who shared his Son in order to help me. That's my little story. Thank you for listening to my testimony."